Sorry lizard..I'm not free to post your picture..Guys, today is my first working sutera mall..oto body care centre..go find me..I'm going to report things that happened during my working time though I'm very tired..No matter you all wanna listen to me or not.
So I reach there at 10.30..Then met a Sabah girl called Ah Yen..She is the one who opened the shop..Then i sapu lantai..After that I took a look at the things there..Then at 11am, another two fellas came..One is called Ah Joe..24 years old..another is Sky aka Ah Lun..20..They looked so professional..but actually thay are cb ppl..Ah Joe likes to touch ppl buttock for fun while Sky likes to look at gals' buttocks..Seriously I think that they have the potential to jihai with me..Despite their abnormal behaviour, they are actually geng ppl..Ah Joe is the second Dai Go of the division..assistant supervisor..Sky is just like me a promoter but he made some historical sales record before..But anyway this is what he told me I dont know how true it is..Besides, there are two more characters to introduce..they are Roy and Ah Jek..Roy is the supervisor who looks like a 30++-ear-old man..he was quite friendly with me but they say he very fierce and lin shi lin yang..Ah jek is an 19-year-old fella..his fair very chio..he himself call it half moon side damn short while the other side damn la kia..
Actually I dont have good impression on Roy and Ah Jek..But Sky is damn good while Ah Joe is damn cute..Sky taught me lots of things..Ah Joe allowed us to eat snake when the supervisor is not around..He himself talked to the phone all the time with his darling..but when dealing with business, he is damn pro..the way he talks damn geng..Oh ya..Sky treated me a 'tea leaf egg' today..Oh ya..I saw Shawn Chng there today..
As a conclusion, I'm quite happy working there..Today whole day I'm damn free as I tested all the things..I tried all until very boring..So tomorrow is my real first day as today I was just learning new things..My salary is quite ok..1000 per allowance 400..havent include the commission..Sky told me the highest commision he got before was 2000..high right..for me lah..Okay that's it..I'm gonna treat you all a meal after I got salary..dont say dont have..That's all for my happy first day..Sorry for grammar mistakes..Help me edit very messy.